
Hi! I'm ukrainian freelance artist ready to draw your precious OC babies~
Currently live in Germany

By commissioning me, you agree to the Terms of Service.To order a commission contact me via Telegram, Discord or write me directly at: [email protected]- added character 50% each
- background, wings or complicated design +10-15$


- heterosexual|homosexual
- mild gore
- snthro and humans
- fanart
- tentacles
- any gender


- extremely muscular, anorexic or obese figures
- mecha
- scat
- vore

basic commissions

fully rendered with lineart- bust 40$
- half 60$
- full body 80$

painted commissions

no lineart, more like traditional paintings- 80$

Terms of Service

Requesting a commission means that you have read through and agree to the terms of servicePAYMENT:
Full prepayment, or partial payment (discussed individually).
Payment only in USD.
No refunds after sketch is done.
You will make payment after providing references and a complete description of the order.
Additional payments:
Additional sketch options.
Character design development.
Urgency. If you need art to specific date, the additional payment will be calculated based on the deadline date. Please note that I can't do a full time job in 15 days. Also for more complex work you need much more time.
RULES AND RIGHTS:I have the right to refuse the order before payment due to the impossible realization of the arts idea. (Too complicated idea, the character which I can't draw and ect.)After full payment, I will start work and will send you a sketch for approval.
You have the right to ask me for the process at any time.
After the sketch is done and I started working, there is 3 free minor edits you can ask for. Major and further edits are made only at an additional cost in the amount from $5 to $30, depending on the complexity
I retain full & exclusive rights to the original artwork of all personal-use commissions and can post them in any of my social media.
Reposts of commissioned artwork must be properly credited and my signature must not be removed.
If you want the order wouldn't be placed before a certain date/time, please let me know in advance. When the work is finished, I will send it to you and upload it to my gallery.
I can draw private art if you want to leave the work in secret, for personal use or you don't want your identity be laid out in my gallery.
Customers can download and use work in any way, but not in commercial use.
All other options and information can be discussed.